
  • LDR

    I’m obsessed with the thought of waking up next to you

    Sleepy eyes

    Morning breath

    Your hoodie on my shoulders

    Coffee in bed as we lazily talk about our plans for the day

    Dreading getting out of the warm bed into the cold.

    I dream of kissing you goodnight and good morning and just whenever I want to.

    I’m obsessed with the thought of being with you.

    Going through life with you

    Doing the mundane things with you.

    I want to cook supper with you

    And go grocery shopping with you.

    I want to spend the rest of my life with you

    And I want the rest of my life to start right now.

    These miles between us are no match for the love I have in my heart for you.

    But each day that I cannot kiss you or hold you

    Those miles seem a little longer.

    I feel like a piece of me is missing

    Like I am not yet whole

    Because you are so far from me

    And yet I wait

    Because I know one day

    You will be in my arms

    And I will feel like I am finally put together

    Because me and my love

    Are one at last.

    “SHAKE back your hair, O red-headed girl.
    Let go your laughter and keep your two proud freckles on your chin.” -Carl Sandburg
  • Rebirth

    My body was an empty field

    Laid bare by those who had come before

    My flowers were wilted

    And the sun no longer shown

    I was emptied of everything I had once held

    But then you came along

    In all your glory and colors

    And you kissed me

    You planted kisses on my body like flowers

    Until I became a colorful garden

    Overflowing with beauty and light

    You brought life back into my body.

    “SHAKE back your hair, O red-headed girl.
    Let go your laughter and keep your two proud freckles on your chin.” -Carl Sandburg
  • Hello World!

    Welcome to my poetry blog! I hope you stay a while. 🙂

    “SHAKE back your hair, O red-headed girl.
    Let go your laughter and keep your two proud freckles on your chin.” -Carl Sandburg
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